Neo Scavenger Wiki
Small Chunks of Meat
Squirrel Meat
raw - spoiled
cooked - cured
Value (at 100%): $4.00
Weight: 0.24 kg
Stack Size: 1
Value (at 100%): $4.00
Weight: 0.24 kg
Stack Size: 1
Value (at 100%): $5.00
Weight: 0.24 kg
Stack Size: 1
Value (at 100%): $0.05
Weight: 0.24 kg
Stack Size: 1

A small chunk of meat is one of the many types of food items that can be found and consumed in NEO Scavenger.

It can be harvested by butchering the corpses of dead creatures, such as squirrels, by crafting it with any sharp edged tool, a meat cleaver for example. Meat chunks are a good choice of food for any character, since squirrels, that yield them, are relatively easy to find when scavenging in the forests, especially if the player has a squirrel snare at his disposal.

Meat can be eaten at any time, but it must be cooked first in order to avoid food poisoning. The meat can go rotten if left uncooked for a longer period of time, making it very unsafe and, once it goes bad, not even cooking will restore it to a consumable state. It takes about one day for a raw chunk of meat to get spoiled, as it degrades 5% condition per turn.

Alternatively, players with the Trapping skill have the ability to cure meat by combining it with a handful of ashes while cooking it. This allows the player to preserve meat should they want to eat it later. The drawback of this process is that eating cured meat lowers the hydration bar, making the character more thirsty.

Cooked meat degrades at half speed, 2.5% condition per turn, and cured meat is halved again to 1.25% per turn. Small chunks of meat have the same nutritional content as one can of soup, while eight chunks hydrates (or dehydrates if it's been cured) the same amount as a bottle of water.

Consuming certain meats from unsavory sources may lead to unintended consequences.

Small chunks of raw and cooked meat provide 4 points (~2.4%) of nutrition and 0.5 (~0.7%) points of hydration. Small chunks of cured meat provide 4 points of nutrition and remove 0.5 points of hydration. Small chunks of spoiled meat only provide 1 point (~0.6%) of nutrition.


Meat from Small Corpse
(1 Small Chunk of Meat)

Recipe doesn't exist!

Meat from Medium, Furry Corpse
(3 Small and 3 Medium Chunks of Meat, 5 Small Chunks of Hide)
Meat and Hide from Medium, Furry Corpse
(5 Small and 4 Medium Chunks of Meat, 10 Small Chunks of Hide)
Meat from Large Corpse
(8 Small and 7 Medium Chunks of Meat)
Meat from Humanoid Corpse
(8 Small and 7 Medium Chunks of Meat (human))
Meat from Large, Furry Corpse
(8 Small and 7 Medium Chunks of Meat, 15 Small Chunks of Fur)
Meat and Hide from Dogman Corpse
(8 Small and 7 Medium Chunks of Meat, 1 Dogman Fur Coat)
Roasted Meat on a Stick 0.20
  • Small Fresh Meat (1)
    • Small Chunk of Meat
Cured Small Meat over Campfire 0.25
  • Small Fresh Meat (1)
    • Small Chunk of Meat

List of properties and recipe uses[]

Small Chunk of Meat (raw)[]

  • Small, Fresh Meat:
    • Cured Small Meat over Campfire (1)
    • Roasted Meat on a Stick (1)

See also[]
