Neo Scavenger Wiki
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Sharpened Spear
Value (at 100%): $2.00
Weight: 1.15 kg
Stack Size: 1
Hardened Spear
Value (at 100%): $4.00
Weight: 1.15 kg
Stack Size: 1
Broad Spear
Value (at 100%): $5.00
Weight: 1.15 kg
Stack Size: 1
Sharpened Spear Throw (Ranged)
Damage Potential: Status Bar Yellow 12 full
Range: 10
Hardened Spear Throw (Ranged)
Damage Potential: Status Bar Yellow 12 full
Range: 10
Broad Spear Throw (Ranged)
Damage Potential: Status Bar Yellow 12 full
Range: 10
Sharpened Spear Stab (Melee)
Damage Potential: Status Bar Yellow 12 full
Reach: 3
Hardened Spear Stab (Melee)
Damage Potential: Status Bar Yellow 12 full
Reach: 3
Broad Spear Stab (Melee)
Damage Potential: Status Bar Yellow 17 full
Reach: 3

Spears are primitive but versatile weapons consisting of a pole with a sharp end. Their length allows the user to hold other melee combatants back at a range where their own attacks are ineffective. Alternatively, they can be used as throwing weapons. This makes an excellent opening gambit and shock tactic when used just before opposing forces would otherwise clash at close range, something the ancient Romans discovered early and used well.

Spears can be obtained through crafting. There are three types of spears. The sharpened spear is a cheaply made piece of wood sharpened on one end, so it wears out quickly when used in combat, degrading 9% per use. The other two are quality-made by users skilled in various combat techniques. The hardened spear has a tip made stronger and more durable by heating over fire, while the broad spear is fitted with an actual, cutting spearhead, achieving increased severity of inflicted wounds. Both the hardened spear and broad spear hold up better under extended use, degrading only 1% condition per use.

All spears provide a long reach in combat - the longest of all the melee weapons. The sharpened and hardened spears also share similar combat attributes. The stabbing from both inflicts serious bleeding wounds and minor bruising. When wielded in melee the broad spear is a cut above the others, causing more severe bleeding wounds than the other two. As with all melee weapons, these attacks are much deadlier in the hands of a combatant who is Strong and/or skilled with melee weapons.

Spears can also be thrown, granting a limited ranged capability to an otherwise melee weapon. When the player encounters enemies equipped with these weapons, this is often their opening round of combat, prompting a smart scavenger to use their first round seeking cover from the incoming projectiles. All three types of spear perform similarly when thrown, causing the same degree of serious bleeding wounds and minor bruising as the sharpened and hardened spears do in melee.


  • These can be made early in the game. The sharpened version falls apart fairly quickly and all are cumbersome to deal with as far as inventory is concerned. However they can be replaced easily and can be a lot of fun to use. The broad version can deal significant damage and all 3 versions have a range of three. The added range makes the broad spear a contender against high damage weapons like the monkey wrench. 
  • The added range means that throughout a melee encounter you can usually count on being able to lash out at the enemy while it may not be able to strike at you. This can be effectively paired with many skill based moves as well as moving backwards to keep the fight as one sided as possible. 


Sharpened Spear 0.50
Hardened Spear 1.00
Broad Spear (R*)
(* Combat skill and sharp edge not needed for disassembly)

See also[]
